Monday, July 25, 2011

Charity Fundraising rides

This was a fun practice event. As part of giving back to the school district where my kids go to school, a ride in the Bridgestone Civic was auctioned off at a local fundraiser. The lucky winner was Jan Iceland, a member of the Oak Park School Board. She brought her husband and 2 nieces along for the ride.

We contacted our sponsors - Bridgestone to let them know that we had generous winners of the charity ride and they were kind enough to send along a nice box goodies. We had a book about Formula 1, a flashlight, hats and bags to give away to our lucky riders. What a nice and unexpected bonus from Bridgestone.

Since this was a special occasion, we placed our video inside the car, on our passengers. I believe that all our passengers on the video are first time riders at an autocross event. We have captured their first ride and present their experience for all to see. Jason has taken the time to do something special and unique with the video. Instead of just one long video or 4 separate videos, each ride has been condensed in and synchronized with the start to show the progression through the course and some conversation at the end of the run.

I'm my usual anti-social self and don't say much at the end ;-)

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