Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bridgestone Portenza RE-11 Review Part 2 ~ Revolution Talk

Part 2 will cover the height differences between the RE-11 195/50/15 and the 205/50/15.


Documented Diameters of the tires:

195/50/15 = 22.7"
205/50/15 = 23.1"
Difference = 0.400

Measured Diameters of tires:
195/50/15 (shaved 5/32, with 49 runs) = 22.250
205/50/15 (shaved 5/32, with 20 runs) = 22.625
Difference = 0.375


Speeds charted against RPM with measured diameter:
Summary: Along the RPM range there is an average of 1 mph difference between the 2 tires

When comparing corner exit there is definitely a difference one can feel on acceleration, course dependent decision will be had to made to maximize use of tires diameter.

Note: Documented R1R Diameters
195/50/15 = 22.8
205/50/15 = 23.0
225/45/15 = 23.0

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