Monday, March 26, 2007


So with hi hopes we have returned from the PRO SOLO with a lot more info then we bargained for. Mostly in the way of finding out how we measure up against the fast guys in the nation. As for me I feel that as every event we compete in I try to take away as much as possible to be faster and better for the the next event that this was no different. I found out about how fast you need to bring ur driving together and get the car going to get the dirty times out of the way and the confusion that is involved with being at a national event. I felt that the first day I was in such aw of the whole process that I was a bit distracted beacuse everything was so new, but by the secod day i felt like a season vetern with my goals set and ready to get behind the wheel and prove myself. I did learn alot at the event and I feel that there is much more the car can do and much more that I can do with it. So as we continue our journey of learning I feel that we will be a force to be reckon' with

Here is a video my fastest times of the weekend:

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